Hanks Handy Flying Hints

  Ground Effect: The First and Last Few Seconds By Hank Canterbury   I often wondered why many pilots flying Bonanzas and Barons seem to touchdown three-point.  The three-point touchdown is defined by the FAA as “a simultaneous touchdown of the main and nose wheel with excessive speed, followed by application of forward pressure on … Continued

Tips N’ Tidbits

Understanding Owner-Performed Preventive Maintenance By Tom Hoffmann, FAA Safety Briefing Magazine Pilots who perform preventive maintenance on their aircraft can learn a great deal about the inner workings of engines and airframes, as well as all their associated systems and components. But if this is your first foray into aviation maintenance, it’s a good idea … Continued


The Garmin Aera 660 by Michael J. “Mick” Kaufman In a previous “Captain’s Corner” article entitled “The Pilot’s New Panel,” I covered the recent budget update on my Bonanza panel. I talked about the Garmin Aera 660, which was part of the installation, and I mentioned that it was the best piece of avionics that … Continued


Use of Weather Information Today’s pilots enjoy an abundance of weather information sources, but having weather information available is only part of the weather decision-making equation. Knowing how to acquire, interpret, and make operational decisions based on weather information is essential to safe flying. This #FlySafe topic acquaints general aviation pilots with available weather information … Continued


  1.  Deviation error of the magnetic compass is caused by: A. Northerly turning error B. Certain metals and electrical systems within the aircraft C. The difference in location of true north and magnetic north   2. What document(s) must be in your personal possession or readily accessible in the aircraft while operating as pilot … Continued

Avemco Whitepaper

Top 10 Aviation Insurance Myths Whether you own the airplane you fly, rent an airplane or fly a friend’s airplane, you need to read this so you may become a better-informed consumer.  The following information is specific to Avemco Insurance Company in many cases, so it is important to check with your insurer to see … Continued