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Watch “The BPT Experience” Video

New owners, seasoned pilots and instructors agree: there’s nothing quite like the in-person Bonanza / Baron Pilot Training Program (BPT).Take a look – and see for yourself…READ MORE

BPT Experience


Safety Pilot: Mad dogs and Englishmen

Type club training for proficiency—and friendships
AOPA Pilot, December 1, 2014, By Bruce Landsberg
Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2015, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

Late in life, I became an aircraft owner after flying other people’s airplanes for more than 40 years. I decided to check into a type-specific clinic—sort of a practice-what-you-preach deal… READ MORE


Weekend Warriors

Type-specific training gives Bonanza and Baron pilots an edge
AOPA Pilot, April 7, 2015, By Thomas B Haines
Reprinted with permission. Copyright 2015, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

The weather is low and scuzzy. You’re in the clouds with an engine failure in your single-engine airplane.Can you make it safely down?… READ MORE


IFR: A Structured Approach

If one book could help you make the leap from a bit player to a skilled conductor of instrument flight, this is probably it.


Flying High Performance Singles and Twins

If one book could help you make the leap from a bit player to a skilled conductor of instrument flight, this is probably it.


Flying the Beech Bonanza

Packed with interesting and important information about the Beech Bonanza which is available from no other source.