Hank’s Handy Flying Hints

Leaning For Maximum Horsepower at High-Density Altitudes   By Hank Canterbury Sometimes our early training in various procedures leads to problems. For example, we were always taught to push the mixture control to the “full rich” position before takeoff, descent or landing. In normally aspirated engines, this procedure is not always correct, especially if you … Continued


Taxiing – One of the First Skills You Learned By Avemco Insurance Company   Why do many pilots get into trouble when taxiing along a runway? Part of the answer is revealed in the statistics we have examined.1  The most dangerous time for pilots isn’t when they’re students, but long after they have obtained their … Continued


1. A pilot is making an ILS approach and is past the OM to a runway which has a VASI. What action is appropriate if an electronic glide slope malfunction occurs and the pilot has the VASI in sight? a. The pilot should inform ATC of the malfunction and then descend immediately to the localizer … Continued

Tips N’ Tidbits

PULLING Gs By Dr. Susan Northrop, FAA Federal Air Surgeon As GA pilots, we tend to think of “G-forces” as a concern for aerobatic pilots, but g tolerance should be a concern for all aviators. Recall from ground school that the term g refers to the acceleration from the Earth’s gravity. The term g is … Continued


5 Steps to Improve Your Weather Know-How By Tom Hoffman   In this weather technology-themed issue, we cite numerous examples of how advancements in technology are providing pilots with access to more and more aviation weather data, both before and during flight. That’s definitely a good thing. However, weather data, no matter how plentiful or … Continued


The Pilots’ New Panel—Part II By Michael J. “Mick” Kaufman   What is the perfect panel for your needs should you decide to do an upgrade? It depends on many factors. Before we begin, I need to make a statement. A new panel will not make your airplane fly higher, faster, or safer –nor will … Continued

Meet Our Instructors

BPT: Mado, what first attracted you to aviation – and why? MM:  I was 7 years old when I took an exciting seaplane ride in a Piper Cub. Soon after that, I built and flew models of many types during my school years. I yearned to fly the real thing and after joining the U. … Continued