1.  If recency of experience requirements for night flight are not met and official sunset is 1830, the latest time a passenger may be carried is: A. 1830 B. 1929 C. 1900 D. 1845   2. You may not act as pilot in command of an aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or while: A. Under … Continued


Hypoxia FAA Safety Briefing By Dr. Leo Hattrup, FAA Medical Officer   The scenery is often spectacular when flying close to the ground, but there are many advantages gained by flying at higher altitudes. Communication improves, as does navigation (other than GPS). Convective activity often decreases. Flight visibility (if out of the clouds) and true … Continued

Tips N’ Tidbits

The Advantages of Adventuring Using Airport Visits to Advance Skills (and Pilot Stories!) By Susan K. Parson, FAA Safety Briefing Editor One of the aeronautical experience requirements for an instrument rating is to log at least 50 hours of cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command (PIC). I initially chafed because I just wanted to get on … Continued


By Hank Canterbury I recently read about a Cessna Citation crew that made a takeoff while the parking brake was engaged.  They managed to use the entire length of runway, barely got airborne just off the end, and crashed into trees shortly thereafter, tragically killing all aboard.   So why did the crew NOT abort … Continued


“Oxygen, Avionics and Other Safety Tips” By Capt. Michael J. “Mick” Kaufman BPT Program Manager/Flight Operations   In my last writing of the “Captain’s Corner”, the emphasis was placed on the pilot’s ability to hand fly a precision approach in turbulent conditions with close tolerances. I recently flew my Bonanza from Wisconsin to California for … Continued

Exclusive BPT Interview:

Hon. Bruce Landsberg Vice Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board [NTSB]   Ron Timmermans:   Hello, I’m Ron Timmermans from Orlando, Florida, a ground and flight training instructor for the Bonanza / Barron Pilot Training program or BPT, as we like to call it. Thank you for joining us for this BPT TAKEOFF interview today. I’m pleased … Continued