Multiple Weights and Balances for Your Aircraft By Jason Blair, ATP, CFI-I, MEI-I, FAA Designated Pilot Examiner, AGI   Every aircraft can carry as many 200-pound people as there are seats in the aircraft, right? Oh, and certainly doing so with full fuel wouldn’t be a challenge, correct? I think you know that the answer … Continued


Think you know your stuff?  Take our quiz and find out: 1. The time that an aircraft first moves under its own power for the purpose of flight until it comes to rest after landing. 2. What is required before you may act as pilot in command of an airplane with more than 200 hp … Continued


Surface Safety & Pilot-Controller Communications   By Nick DeLotell FAA Commercial Operations Branch Several recent Runway Incursions have been attributed to communications. The most important concept in pilot-controller communications is understanding. Pilots must acknowledge each radio communication with Air Traffic Control (ATC) by using the appropriate aircraft call sign and confirming all hold short instructions. … Continued


BPT Clinics are planned for the following locations this Fall 2020: Oklahoma City, OK: October 2-4, 2020 Fresno, CA: October 16-18, 2020 Norfolk, VA: November 6-8, 2020 As the state of current public health emergency changes from day to day, we will remain focused on keeping you; the BPT instructors and staff; the hotel and FBO employees safe, … Continued


Mick Kauffman CFI, CFII, ATP, 20,000+ hours   BPT: Mick, tell us about yourself. MK: My name is Mick Kauffman and I live in the southwestern part of Wisconsin, in little town called Richland Center. I fly a beautiful P35 Bonanza, which I’ve owned since 1988. BPT: Sounds as though you’re not too far from … Continued