1. You are enroute to your destination, you listen to ATIS and the airport is below minimums for every approach. You divert to your alternate, which has an ILS approach. What minimums must exist to fly the approach at your alternate?
A. 800’ ceilings and 2 SM visibility
B. 2,000’ ceilings and 3 SM visibility
C. 600’ ceilings and 2 SM /visibility
D. The minimums for the approach
2.You are instructed to enter an unpublished hold assigned by ACTC. You are currently at 16,000’ MSL. How long should your inbound leg be?
A. 1 minute 30 seconds
B. 45 seconds
C. 1 minute 15 seconds
D. 1 minute
3. Where would you most likely find a TAA [Terminal Arrival Area], and what does it provide?
A. VOR Approach; 1,000’ of obstacle clearance in non-mountainous terrain and 2,000’ in mountainous terrain
B. ILS Approach; 2,000’ of obstacle clearance in both mountainous and non-mountainous terrain.
C. GPS Approach; 1,000’ of obstacle clearance in non-mountainous terrain and 2,000’ in mountainous terrain
D. ASR Approach; 1,000’ of obstacle clearance in both mountainous and non-mountainous terrain
4. What is the minimum weather required for an alternate airport if it doesn’t have a published instrument approach procedure and no special instrument approach procedure has been issues by the ATC to you?
A. Basic VFR
B. Marginal VFR
C. Special VFR
5. If takeoff weather minimums are not prescribed for a particular airport, what are the IFR takeoff minimums for part 91 flight?
A. ¼ SM Visibility
B. ½ SM Visibility
C. ¾ SM Visibility
D. 1 SM Visibility
E. 1 ½ SM Visibility
F. There are no minimums
Answers: 1. D; 2. A; 3. C; 4. A; 5. F