Join us live and in-person – or online and “Fly Later” – for the following BPT Clinics:
- Oklahoma City, OK [KHSD] September 16-18, 2022
- Ground School [Via Zoom] October 1, 2022 from 10 am ET to 4 pm ET
- Fresno, CA [KFAT] October 14-16, 2022
- Norfolk, VA [KORF] November 4-6, 2022
Each unique weekend experience includes a comprehensive in-person ground school, followed by type-specific, full-immersion training in your aircraft. Clinics are custom-designed for pilots and owners of Bonanzas, Barons, Travel Airs, Twin Bonanzas and Dukes.
If you would prefer to attend the Friday ground school virtually, BPT offers two choices:
- Attend Ground School via Zoom
- Subscribe to the BPT Ground School Pilot Training Video Series
Either way, you can then “Fly Later” with a Certified BPT Flight Instructor at your location to complete your BPT certification training.
Fly with the “Best of the Best”
BPT instructors are among the world’s finest standardized Certified Flight Instructors [CFIs]. Plus, BPT offers the only Companion Course in the industry!
Receive Accreditation
By successfully completing a BPT Clinic, you will receive a Biennial Flight Review [BFR]; a BPT Certificate; and, if you qualify, an Instrument Proficiency Check [IPC], while satisfying the recurrent flight training requirements of your insurance company. In addition, pilots who complete the BPT ground & flight curriculum will earn a Basic Phase in the FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program.
Stay current. Be confident. Fly like a pro.