1. The average forward horizontal distance at which prominent unlighted objects may be seen and identified by day and prominent lighted objects may be seen and identified by night is known as:
a. Ground visibility
b. Flight visibility
c. Runway visual value
d. Runway visual range
2. As defined by the FARs for carrying passengers, “night” is the time from:
a. Sunset-to-sunrise
b. One hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise
c. One-half hour after sunset to one-half hour after sunrise
d. The end of evening civil twilight to the beginning of morning civil
twilight as published in the American Air Almanac, converted to local
3. As a private pilot acting as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying
passengers at night, within the preceding 90 days, you must have made at
a. Touch-and-goes at night in any aircraft
b. Touch-and-goes at night in an aircraft of the same category and class
c. Takeoffs and three full-stop landings in an aircraft of the same class
d. Takeoffs and three full-stop landings at night in an aircraft of the same
category, class and type (if a type rating is required)
4. You move to a new state and as a result, change your permanent mailing
address. To continue to exercise your pilot certificate privileges, when must
you notify the FAA?
5. For VFR at night, you must carry enough fuel to fly to the first point of
intended landing and, at normal cruise speed, for how many additional
6. A Special VFR clearance authorizes you to enter the lateral boundaries of
Class D or E airspace designated for an airport when the:
a. Ceiling is less than 1,000 feet and the visibility is less than 1 mile
b. Flight visibility is at least 1 mile and the aircraft remains clear of clouds
c. Flight can remain clear of clouds with no restrictions to visibility
d. Flight can maintain 1 mile visibility at an altitude no lower than the cloud
base, provided this altitude is at last 1,000 feet AGL
1. B; 2. B; 3. D; 4. Within 30 days; 5. 45; 6. B